What’s the Planning Commission?
The New Cumberland Borough Planning Commission is looking for ways to increase public involvement by educating the public of the duties, functions, and responsibilities of the Commission and promoting their meeting times.
About the Planning Commission
The New Cumberland Borough Planning Commission is comprised of seven (7) members that are appointed by Borough Council and serve a four-year term. The Planning Commission acts as an advisor to Borough Council reviewing all subdivision and land development applications submitted to the Borough. At the request of the governing body the Planning Commission prepares a comprehensive plan for the long-term growth, development, and well-being of the municipality. The Planning Commission may also review the Zoning Ordinance, Zoning Map and Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, making recommendations to Borough Council.
Members of the Planning Commission
Faith Curran, Chairperson – 2027
Fred Miles, Vice-Chairperson – 2024
Norman Kennard, Secretary – 2025
Ira Beckerman – 2024
George Estep – 2026
Jennifer McElrath – 2027
Adam Trone – 2025
Steve Hoffman, Consultant – Cumberland County Planning Commission
2023 Accomplishments and Looking Ahead
The New Cumberland Borough Planning Commission was busy in 2023 and is pleased to report that they are two-thirds of the way through updating (in some cases, completely overhauling) three critical documents necessary for the direction, operation, development, and future decisions of the Borough: the Zoning Ordinance, the Subdivision and Development Ordinance (SALDO) and the Comprehensive Plan.
The new Zoning Ordinance was worked on by the Planning Commission for over eight months and was submitted to Borough Council with a recommendation to approve it, which Council did in 2023. The SALDO was reviewed and submitted to Council with a recommendation to approve. The Comprehensive Plan, which has not been updated since 1993, is now before the Commission to develop over the next ten to twelve months. It will incorporate the findings and recommendations of two major studies: the Downtown Master Plan, completed in 2023 and the Recreation, Park and Trail Network Plan, which is currently under development.
Planning Commission Meeting Information
Planning Commission Meetings are open to the public and are held as needed the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. Please call (717) 774-0404 during business hours to confirm if the meeting is being held. The meetings are held in the Borough Building located at 1120 Market Street, New Cumberland, PA 17070. All Planning Commission Meetings are open to the public and time is allocated at every meeting for public comment.
If you are unable to attend a meeting, please submit your comments, questions, or concerns by letter or e-mail addressed to the Planning Commission at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting date. Persons with disabilities or special needs may request auxiliary aids, services, or accommodations by contacting the Borough Office, (717) 774-0404, at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
2024 Planning Commission Meeting Dates
Meeting agendas are typically posted the Friday before the meeting and can be downloaded here. Minutes from past Planning Commission Meetings can be downloaded here.
January 17 | July 17 |
February 21 | August 21 |
March 20 | September 18 |
April 17 | October 16 |
May 15 | November 20 |
June 20 – day adjusted for Federal Holiday on June 19 | December 18 |