Host a Special Event or Block Party in New Cumberland Borough
If you want to host a Special Event (as defined by Ordinance) or a Block Party (for residents wishing to close a neighborhood street for a gathering between neighbors with less than 25 individuals) in New Cumberland Borough follow the steps below. If you want to rent a pavilion or gazebo in New Cumberland Borough Park, visit the Rent a Pavilion or Facility page.
Special Event Application Approval Process
Following is the process to get your Special Event Application considered for approval. All Special Events Applications need to be approved by the Borough Council at a monthly Borough Council Meeting. To be considered for approval your Special Event Application needs to be on the monthly agenda. To be an eligible applicant you must be a legal entity or organization who can satisfy the requirements for liability insurance. Read the process below to find out how to get on the agenda and your event considered for approval.
- Read the Special Events Ordinance as your first step.
- Applications to download and review:
- The Special Events Ordinance requires your application(s) be submitted sixty (60) days prior to your event; however, we recommend you submit your complete application a minimum of 90 days in advance of your event date.
- Before submitting your application(s) we recommend you set up a meeting with the Borough Manager to review the details of your event and ask questions to complete your application. You can schedule a meeting at info@newcumberlandborough.com. We suggest scheduling this meeting as far in advance of your event as possible, preferably 120 days or more.
- We recommend looking at the Borough Council Meeting dates and targeting one that is at least three months before the month your event is in. From that Council Meeting date, count back at minimum twenty one (21) days in advance of the meeting as the date required you submit your complete application. This recommendation to plan ahead should provide you enough time to work with the Borough to finalize your application and give you time to promote and prepare for your event. Until your application is approved by the Borough, you shouldn’t promote your event.
- Once you’ve met with the Borough Manager, drop off your complete application, which includes (1) filled-out and signed application(s), (2) any required fees (if applicable), and (3) certificate of comprehensive general liability insurance (the insured must be the organization that is hosting the event) at the Borough Office, 1120 Market St, New Cumberland PA.
- The Borough Manager will review your Special Event Application and associated materials and get back to you in a timely manner. If there is missing information or documents you will need to rectify them before your application is considered for approval. Plan for this process to take no less than fifteen (15) business days, although it could take more depending on how quickly you can get the missing information to the Borough. Please note that it is possible that Borough Council or Borough Staff will require more information prior to approving your event. If this situation occurs, you will have to wait until you satisfy their request, and your application will be put on hold until all information has been submitted.
Block Party Application Process
- Download and complete the Block Party application.
- On page 3 of the application, you need to have the name, address, phone number and signature of an adult from each household whose property, parking or garage will be affected.
- The form must state that residents acknowledge and agree to leave a sufficient lane open for emergency vehicles. You can only block/close half of the street.
- Submit the form to info@newcumberlandborough.com at least 45 days prior to your scheduled event.
- If all required signatures are obtained and the application is complete the Borough Manager is permitted to approve the closure and provide requested barricades. The exception is if a block party application requests to extend the hours beyond dusk, which requires prior approval of Borough Council at a Borough Council Meeting. Your application will need to be submitted at a minimum 45 days in advance of your scheduled event. Please read numbers 4 and 5 above under the Special Event Application Process section.
- Only approved block party days are Saturdays and Sundays, May 1st – November 1st.
- All persons at the block party are subject to all Borough, State and Federal laws to include but not limited to disorderly conduct as it relates to unreasonable noise and behavior as well as public drunkenness and similar misconduct.
- Borough owned barricades should be required to ensure the closure takes place with appropriate and approved equipment as it relates to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) published by the US Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration
- Event planner/applicant is responsible for proper cleanup of public property.
- Event planner/applicant should provide a map showing the requested portion of the street to be closed.
- The closed portion of the public street and sidewalks should continue to be open for public pedestrian traffic and no attendee, pedestrian or any other 2 person should have to pay a charge or fee or incur any other expense or limitation to enter or pass through the block party or the public rights-of-way.
- Limitations on closing major thoroughfares in addition to state highways. (To be determined by Police Chief, Fire Chief, and Borough Manager).
- There may be limitations on block parties planned on the same date as other major events in the Borough which may require additional resources such as but not limited to: Halloween Parade, Memorial Day Parade, Apple Festival, Trick or Treat, any 5K Race or other event which requires street closures and/or the expenditure of public safety and other related Borough resources.