Borough Officials
The Mayor is also an elected position with a four-year term. Although not a member of the Borough Council, the Mayor may attend all Council meetings and take part in the discussions. The Mayor may cast the deciding vote when a tie occurs and may approve or veto every ordinance or tax resolution passed by Council. If the Mayor vetoes an ordinance or tax resolution, Council may override it with a two-thirds vote. The Mayor has the responsibility for the administration of the Police Department.
Joan Erney – 2025
Borough Council
Meets 2nd Wednesday of each month.
The voters of New Cumberland Borough give legislative and executive authority to the Borough Council. The Council is comprised of seven (7) members, of which each serves four-year terms that are staggered. Council is responsible for levying taxes, enacting ordinances and resolutions, establishing policies, providing services, and promoting the health, safety, and welfare of the borough residents. Additionally, Council appoints officials to run the daily affairs of the Borough, along with members of various municipal boards and commissions.
Donald W. Kibler, President – 2025
David H. Stone, Vice-President – 2027
Thaddeus Eisenhower – 2025
Drew Lawrence – 2027
Fred Miles – 2025
Gibby Parthemore – 2027
Gennifer R. Richie – 2025
Tax Collector
The Borough Tax Collector is elected and serves for a four-year term. The tax collector issues real estate tax bills and collects payments for properties located within New Cumberland Borough for the Borough, the County, and the West Shore School District.
Robin Gasperetti – 2025
District Justice
The District Justice is elected and serves a six-year term. They issue arrest and search warrants, and emergency protection orders when the county courthouse is closed. They oversee arraignments, set bail, and hold criminal preliminary hearings. They hear complaints in civil matters involving possible damages of up to $12,000, mediate landlord-tenant disputes, and perform weddings.
Christopher Delozier – 2025
A constable is elected and serves a six-year term. Constables perform two main functions, to preserve the peace specifically at the polls during primary and general elections and to perform judicial duties to serve writs, warrants, bail pieces, etc.
Thomas H. Daucheux, First Ward – 2027
Scott Cassidy, Second Ward – 2027