New Resident Information
Welcome to your new home in New Cumberland Borough! We hope the information provided below helps you find things a little easier.
Trash & Recycling
Trash and Recycling Services are provided by Penn Waste. Find more information for trash and recycling here.
Sewer & Water
New Cumberland Borough’s water and sewer is supplied through Pennsylvania American Water. New service can be established at https://www.amwater.com/.
Gas & Electric
In Pennsylvania, you may choose the company that provides your natural gas and electricity. Supplier lists may be found at www.PaGasSwitch.com and www.PaPowerSwitch.com. Distribution of services and new connections are conducted by the individual utility. Within the Borough electric is distributed though PPL and gas is distributed by UGI.
Phone, Cable & Internet
Residents can choose between Verizon or Xfinity.
Mailing Address Change
File a change of address online, https://moversguide.usps.com or at the Post Office, 318 Bridge St, New Cumberland, PA 17070
Public School Enrollment
New Cumberland Borough is in the West Shore School District, 507 Fishing Creek Road, New Cumberland, PA 17070. Call (717) 938-9577 or visit https://www.wssd.k12.pa.us/ for more information.
Driver’s License
Out of state driver’s licenses must be converted within 60 days of establishing residency. For more information, visit www.dmv.pa.gov.
Motor Vehicle Registration
New residents must apply for a title and registration for their vehicle within 20 days. Annual vehicle registration and inspection are required in PA. Visit www.dmv.pa.gov.
Voter Registration
To vote, you must be registered with the Cumberland County Bureau of Elections: https://www.ccpa.net/1902/Voter-Registration. Click here to find your poll location.
Dog License
Dogs over 3 months of age must be licensed in PA. Annual licenses may be purchased in person at an agent’s office or online at https://www.doglicenses.us/PA/Cumberland/. Lifetime Licenses can be submitted by mail or obtained in person at the County Treasurer’s Office. Lifetime Licenses cannot be purchased online. Find the details on how to apply and download the forms at www.doglicenses.us. Lifetime Licenses cannot be purchased online.
Library Card
A card is free to New Cumberland Borough Residents. You can get a library card by visiting the New Cumberland Public Library at 1 Benjamin Plaza, New Cumberland, PA 17070 and completing a library card registration form. You can also request a digital library card online at https://www.cumberlandcountylibraries.org/Get_Card2.
Public Transportation
rabbittransit offers regular weekday bus service from New Cumberland Borough to area destinations. Look for the bus stop signs along Bridge Street. Find routes, trip planning tools and more.
Public Safety
New Cumberland Borough is fortunate to have a dedicated police department, fire department, and river rescue that provide around-the-clock emergency services to protect our community. If you have an emergency please dial 911.
Sign Up to Receive Emergency Alerts
Sign up online or text newcumberlandpa to 99411 for a link to be sent to your phone.
Sign Up to Receive CRIMEWATCH Alerts
Receive alerts through email or a mobile app about crime and arrests in New Cumberland Borough. Find our more information and register online.
Sign Up for Community e-News
Sign up for New Cumberland Borough email announcements by filling out the form.