Current Projects
The Borough in cooperation with community volunteers is working on the following projects to make New Cumberland a better place to live, work or play. View Completed and Ongoing Projects.
This summer New Cumberland Borough will be installing ADA curb ramps. Find location and a timeline here.
New Cumberland Borough hired consultant Mahan Rykiel Associates to develop a Comprehensive Recreation, Park and Trail Network Plan. The project is underway with expected completion by the end of 2024. This plan supports the 2019 New Cumberland Borough Revitalization Strategy recommendations for park and recreation enhancements, multimodal connections, and the Borough’s desire to provide the optimal mix of recreational opportunities that meet the needs of our growing community. This plan will provide recommendations to enhance and upgrade park and open space facilities; improve environmental sustainability; identify new recreational and trail opportunities; create a more walkable and bike-friendly community; and increase connectivity within the Borough and to neighboring communities and trail networks. The planning process will consider current and future challenges, opportunities and trends; identify barriers to universal access; and include public engagement (through in-person meetings and a community survey) to develop a vision and framework for the Borough’s parks and trail system as a whole and individually.
To stay connected to this project sign up for the Borough’s electronic newsletter at newcumberlandborough.com/sign-up-for-news/. This project is financed in full by a grant from the Community Conservation Partnerships Program, Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund, under the administration of the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation; and a grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth Financing Authority. A big thank you to our funders!
Improvements are underway to downtown New Cumberland Borough with the replacement of storm sewer on Third Avenue from Bridge Street to the River discharge, a pocket park on Third Avenue and improvements to Riverside Park. This work is expected to be complete in October. For details on the projects read the article: $391,416 Grant Awarded to New Cumberland Borough & Three Great Projects.
A contractor for the Borough will be paving Geary Ave. from 3rd St. to Front Street and Front Street from Geary Ave. to Reno Street. This project will include 4 ADA ramps. Work is expected to be complete by September.