A Call For Volunteers!

New Cumberland is like most towns throughout Pennsylvania,  when a house catches fire, someone has a medical emergency, or a car accident happens, volunteer firefighters and EMTs are responding to the call. The New Cumberland Fire Department (NCFD) responds to approximately 1,500 calls every year. Not only in our community, but also as mutual aid support in Cumberland, Dauphin, and York Counties. In doing so, our volunteers give over 4,600 man-hours annually between running calls, training, station duties, administrative support, and fundraising.

Always been intrigued by the thought of being a firefighter and/or an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) but don’t have any experience and don’t know where to start?
No problem. Join the NCFD and we will assign you a mentor who will help guide you through the training process. You will learn real world skills through hands-on training and running real emergency calls. We even cover the cost of any classes that you attend. That’s right – in exchange for volunteering your time with us and running calls, you can get your certifications at no cost to you!

Not interested in fighting fires or riding in an ambulance?
There are many ways to serve your community as a volunteer without running calls. We have members between the ages of 18-80 who help with fundraising events, grant writing, equipment maintenance, traffic control at incidents, community engagement, and administrative support. Volunteering doesn’t have to take a huge commitment either. Even if you have just a few hours a month available, your help can make a difference

Being a volunteer with your local fire department, in any capacity, is a way to serve your family, friends, neighbors and your community. We invite you to learn more about volunteering at the New Cumberland Fire Department. Reach out to us on Facebook, through our website NCFD10.com, or stop by our weekly Wednesday evening training (starts at 7 p.m.) to chat and pick up a membership application. We look forward to serving with you!