Local Services Tax Ordinance Advertisement

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY the Council of the Borough of New Cumberland, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, of the intention to consider adoption of Ordinance No. 723 at a duly convened meeting of Borough Council to be held on Wednesday, November 13, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at the Borough Administration Office, 1120 Market Street, New Cumberland, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania 17070.  Ordinance No. 723 is entitled: “An Ordinance of the Borough of New Cumberland, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, establishing a Local Services Tax upon the Privilege of Engaging in an Occupation with a Primary Place of Employment within New Cumberland Borough, Establishing a Tax Rate, Procedures to Claim Exemption, Duties of Employers to Collect, Administration of Tax, and Providing Penalties for the Violation of this Ordinance.”

Ordinance No. 723, if enacted, establishes a local services tax upon the privilege of engaging in an occupation with a primary place of employment within New Cumberland Borough levies the local services tax at a rate of $52.00 per year, and provides for the collection of said tax by employers and administration of tax collection, including imposition of fines and penalties, in accordance with the Local Tax Enabling Act, 53 P.S. § 6924.101 et seq. \Council for the Borough of New Cumberland has determined that levying the local services tax is necessary and proper in order to generate tax revenue in support of general fund operations as it relates to the provision of infrastructure, municipal and emergency services. The amount of annual revenue estimated to be derived from the imposition of the local services tax is $20,000-$30,000.

Full text of the Ordinance can be examined here.

Any interested citizen is invited to attend the aforementioned meeting to offer any comments or questions regarding the proposed Ordinance.