Give Thanks for What’s New

New Brand
In June 2022, New Cumberland Borough hired Mahan Rykiel Associates through a competitive selection process to develop a stakeholder-based plan for a Community-wide Identity and a Downtown Master Plan that will be a roadmap to improve the economic health and cultural vibrancy of the community we live, work and play in. A big thank you to the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development for a $40,000 Municipal Assistance Program grant to help make this project happen.
The project is broken out in two phases, Community Identity and the Downtown Master Plan. We are thrilled that in September 2022 the Community Identity portion was completed and approved by Borough Council. The Downtown Master Plan is in process with an expected completion date of December 2022.
The community identity and branding process, developed and led by a team from Mahan Rykiel Associates, was hinged on public participation. Engaging New Cumberland Borough residents, business owners, visitors, and community partners was key to uncovering our brand. It was important to the Borough Council and staff that the community’s brand be authentic, representing those that live, work and visit. Over the summer we conducted a series of public outreach meetings and roundtables, an online survey and retail zip code surveys to uncover the character and identity of the New Cumberland Borough community. The data and feedback collected was used to develop a cohesive marketing and branding program that leverages New Cumberland Borough’s assets and positions it as a special place.
A community brand is a promise a place makes with its people. A successful brand will communicate that promise and deliver a positive image for resident’s, visitors, and investors. Our new brand is a powerful tool to enhance economic development and local identity, promote business and investment, and increase community pride.
We are New Cumberland Borough: Old Town. New Energy.

Discover more about where New Cumberland Borough came from and where we are headed under About Us.
Logomark Exploration
The logomark emulates a map of New Cumberland Borough and each component represents a unique asset in the community.

New Website. New eNewsletter.
To help launch the new community brand, we are excited to announce two new communication products to provide our Borough residents and businesses with timely and relevant information: a monthly electronic newsletter (sign up here ) to complement the printed quarterly newsletter and a new and improved website that is more user-friendly, easier to navigate and filled with helpful information.